Note: The details in this article may differ from your instance due to brand customizations or policy settings.
After you've followed up with your detractor and you've successfully resolved their issue, you may wish to ask the customer for their permission to send a second feedback request in order to gather data about their feelings about the resolution.
If the customer responds to the second feedback request as a promoter rather than a detractor, your score will go up and your customer will have the opportunity to refer their friends to your business.
To send a manual feedback request for a customer:
- Locate the customer using either the search bar or the Customers tab
- Select Send Email Now located in the top right-hand corner of the customer's profile page
- Select OK on the prompt to confirm that you really want to send a request
- A new feedback request email will be sent to the customer immediately
Note: Only the single most recent feedback for each customer is considered when calculating the location's overall NPS. All feedback is retained in history, but only the most recent feedback counts.
Additional Questions? Please reach out to Listen360 Support via email at
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