Note: The ability to make these changes depends on the access level of your user account. If you do not have the ability to see these options, please reach out to someone at your organization who has the correct access.
1: Access the location that the user is assigned to
2: Click on Settings in the lower left-hand corner
3: Click on Users
4: Locate the user in question and use the dropdown menu to select their new role
Here is a list of roles that you may see available for your organization. Depending on your organization's configuration, some of these options may not be available.
- Can perform almost any action in the application for the Organizations to which these Users have access. This includes updating settings, moving/creating/disabling organizations in the hierarchy, financial information, etc.
- An owner does not have access to toggle Premium Features as that part of the Settings is only accessible by Systino Representatives.
- Owners can invite and add new Users to their environments.
- More locked down than an Owner but still allows Users to react and respond to feedback and operate marketing campaigns.
- Members cannot update settings or edit configurations.
- View-only permission within our application.
- Viewers can see all customer data and feedback but are not able to respond.
Restricted Viewer
- View-only permissions within our application.
- This type of viewer can see less overall data than the standard Viewer User.
- Restricted Viewers can see that Customers exist, but the Customer information is anonymized.
- Comments are still available to see for Restricted Viewers.
Summary Viewer
- The most locked-down of all Viewer User types is designed to give the User access to summarized data.
- There is no Customer or identifying information available to a Summary Viewer. The intention of this Viewer type is to show no individual Customer data/feedback but would still be able to see a summarized view of reports and NPS scores.
Additional Questions? Please reach out to Listen360 Support via email at
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