
Daker Draney

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    Daker Draney created an article,

    AI Review Response Generator Safety Guidelines

    When responding to a review in Reputation Pro, you may choose to use the AI Generator to help you with the wording. The AI Generator feature makes it easier to respond quickly and effectively. It o...

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    Daker Draney created an article,

    Review Response Limitations

    Some providers have review response length or character restrictions. For example, Google restricts responses to reviews to 4000 characters. If a provider does have a limit like this, you won't see...

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    Daker Draney created an article,

    Can I edit or remove a social post from Reputation Pro?

    Social posts can be edited or removed when they are still scheduled by going to Social -> Publish. After a post has been published, you must go directly to the provider to make any changes or remov...

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    Daker Draney created an article,

    How do I remove a public response to a review?

    If you have published a response to a review in Reputation Pro in error, there are two options to correct it. If you intended to respond to the review but published the wrong response, you can writ...

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    Daker Draney created an article,

    How to Add a New User in Reputation Pro

    To ensure that a user has access to all the Listen360 products that your business uses, please send a request to support@listen360.com when you need to add a new Reputation Pro user. Typically, use...

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    Daker Draney created an article,

    What name is used when I publish responses to reviews in Reputation Pro?

    The name that appears on the review response (as the author of the response) comes from the credentials that are added to Reputation Pro. Credentials for providers such as Google or Facebook must b...

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    Daker Draney created an article,

    Creating or Editing Email Report Alerts

    In this article, you'll learn how to create and edit Analytics Studio reports (alerts), including design and template changes. You’ll also see how to edit the email used to deliver the report to re...

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    Daker Draney created an article,

    How to Disable a Customer

    This article assumes that your user access is sufficient to perform these steps. If your view does not allow you to follow these steps, please reach out to your administrator for assistance. Note: ...

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    Daker Draney created an article,

    Listing Management Compatibility

    Managed directories are ones where our Reputation Pro team can create and manage a listing on your behalf. Monitored directories' listings are pulled into the Reputation Pro dashboard and reported ...

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    Daker Draney created an article,

    NPS Explained

    Let's delve into how the Net Promoter Score (NPS) can be a critical tool for your business's growth! NPS is more than just a number; it's a barometer for growth potential. By determining how likely...