
Daker Draney

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  • How do I respond to my detractors?

    At Listen360, we have found that only 10% of dissatisfied customers will voluntarily call or write to tell you what they're feeling. But that doesn't mean they're not telling everyone else! Silent ...

  • How to Reset a Password

    1. Visit https://app.listen360.com  2. Select Trouble logging in? underneath the password field. 3. Enter the email address that requires a password reset 4. Select Send Instructions 5. If a user...

  • Comparing NPS Data Across Reports

    Listen360 provides a number of different reporting tools to help you analyze your customer feedback. While some reports may have an overlap in data, each has been designed with a unique purpose. It...

  • How to Update or Add Multiple Locations

    This article assumes that your user access is sufficient to perform these steps. If your view does not allow you to follow these steps, please reach out to your administrator for assistance. This a...

  • Managing Third-party Credentials

    Reputation Pro can help you monitor and manage your social business accounts. To enable this, you'll need to add your credentials for these third-party providers. This is required for managing soci...

  • How to Configure Facebook Review Invites

    Note: This article assumes that the user has access to this feature and that the feature has been activated and configured. The Listen360 Reviews product helps turn the positive feedback from your ...

  • The Retained Customers Metric

    Now that you've collected customer feedback, you may find action items on your task pad(s). These action items consist of detractor customers and those customers who have decreased loyalty. Decreas...

  • How do I change my survey logo or color?

    This article assumes that your user access is sufficient to perform these steps. If your view does not allow you to follow these steps, please reach out to your administrator for assistance. Note: ...

  • How to Change your Default Email Program or Application

    The Listen360 Task Pad shows your customers that are currently at risk and enables you to address them. We've provided quick and easy ways to follow up with these at-risk customers using the By Ema...

  • What happens when a customer replies to a Listen360 email?

    There are two main types of emails that your customers might receive from Listen360. This article will describe each type and explain what happens should a customer reply to the email itself rather...